2023 Calendar


2023 My Kitchen Wand Calendar!

Twelve months of seasonal kitchen ideas celebrating the wheel of the year.

This is a pre-order project. Calendars will be printed and shipped by October 31st, leaving plenty of time for Yule & Christmas gift giving plans.

Frankfurter Wreath – Front Cover

This is an 8 x 11 inch stapled wall calendar. New and full moons as well as sabbats are notated in the appropriate text boxes with lots of room leftover for personal planning details.

Salmon, Spinach & Chive Cream Cheese – March – Ostara

Also included are extra pages at the back of the calendar with all the recipes that can be cut out and tucked away.

Fig Newtons – September – Mabon


The most cost effective way to mail these calendars is in groups of two as three or more in one envelope puts the shipping cost into a different & higher category.

The final day for placing your order will be October 16th.

U.S. Customers

1 Calendar $15.00Canadian

2 Calendars $30.00Canadian

3 Calendars $45.00Canadian

4 Calendars $60.00Canadian

5 Calendars $75.00Canadian

6 Calendars $90.00Canadian

Canadian Customers

1 Calendar $15.00Canadian

2 Calendars $30.00Canadian

3 Calendars $45.00Canadian

4 Calendars $60.00Canadian

5 Calendars $75.00Canadian

6 Calendars $90.00Canadian

Please drop me at quick email if you live outside North America and or would like more than six calendars and I will reply with special order numbers. “Thank you!”