Countdown Calendar


The tradition of counting the days to the winter solstice goes back many hundreds of years. Northern cultures everywhere awaited the return of the sun.

This countdown calendar begins December 1st and goes to December 21st, however there are 24 pieces of jigsaw. Three extra days, the new moon (December 6), the full moon (December 22) and the Geminid meteor shower (December 13) are also celebrated. These are the dates in my time zone. If you are in parts of Europe, the full moon will be December 21.

The jigsaw puzzle is double sided. Your “child” will be able to choose the picture they wish to complete (or build one and then the other). If you have students away at college, military overseas and parents cared for elsewhere, this is a thoughtful way to let them know you are thinking of them.

Simply pack the completed calendar into a box with small gifts connected to the activity days and mail to your missing loved ones.

These are the activity envelopes with some suggestions.

  • Somewhere, somehow, today there shall be chocolate (chocolate bar or hot chocolate mix and a DVD?)
  • A day to bake Yule Goodies for friends and family (favourite cookies from home.)
  • A Yule craft today (supplies to make Christmas cards or a simple tree decoration to hang in their room.)
  • A special treat for you today! (Something small you know they would like or a phone call.)

For someone at home, the envelopes can also be tucked into lunch boxes (although that may mean some of the puzzle pieces go missing), added to the breakfast table, strung on a line for daily picking or hung on a tree like the first picture. Putting out a dish where the puzzle pieces can stay is helpful.

Take a look at your schedule, figure out when bake day is, what Christmas events you might be going to and coordinate the countdown calendar to your life. The package includes a jig to help fold the envelopes and sticky backed numbers for each day.

Winter Solstice Countdown Calendar      $9.00 Canadian