Have you ever wondered about the history of the magic wand?
Let me introduce you to spurtles! They are Scottish in origin, first made from the straightest tree branch around, peeled and used for mixing porridge. Today they are works of art created by hand and lathe.
There is an international porridge making competition held each year. Grand prize? The Golden Spurtle! Check it out. A previous years buzz in the specialty section was a forged porridge with mushrooms and miso.
Spurtles are ideal for chili, hearty soups, polenta, anything thick that might stick to a spoon or the side of a pot. Which is not to say its use stops there. Mixing up peanut butter that has settled and whippin’ up a quick batch of scrambled eggs are extra easy with a spurtle.
We carry a small, ever changing selection of unique spurtles. When one is sold it is deleted it from the page. Please know that the deleting is done manually and there is a possibility, it has happened once in five years, that two orders for the same spurtle came in before the button was deleted. We will be able to tell which order came in first and will be in touch to assist in a second choice or refund.
Our spurtles are all created individually by a local woodsmith and they are not prelasered as we wanted to leave room for your brilliant ideas. Once purchased are engraved with “Stirring magic into every meal“, unless you tell us otherwise.
They are also bathed in a grape seed and beeswax bath to protect the wood and your additional care over time will extend the life and glow of these natural products. The bath can affect the final product. Some woods will darken after the bath, making the grains pop, other spurtles have little to no colour change. All spurtles will gain a lovely shine.
There are three ways to go about choosing a spurtle.
One is the look at the artistry, the second is to look into the meanings and properties of the wood and the third is to wait to see which one speaks to you. Clicking on the pictures will enlarge them, giving you a better view.
#2 Maple, 14 1/2 inches, $30.00 Canadian
#1Black Walnut, 15 1/4 inches, $30.00 Canadian
#2Black Walnut, 15 1/2 inches, $30.00 Canadian
#1 Padauk, 14 1/2 inches, $30.00 Canadian
#2 Padauk, 15 1/2 inches, $30.00 Canadian
#3 Padauk, 13 7/8 inches, $30.00 Canadian

#4 Padauk, 14 3/16 inches, $30.00 Canadian

#5 Padauk, 14 1/4 inches, $30.00 Canadian
#3 Spalted Maple, 14 inches, $30.00 Canadian
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International postage $ 6.00