Rosewater from My Kitchen Wand


With the abundance of roses this week, rosewater seemed like another wonderful way to keep the memories alive as the months move on.

Rosewater from My Kitchen Wand

Gather rose petals. They can be a variety of colours but the petals are best when they are herbicide/pesticide free and intoxicatingly aromatic. Gently and thankfully separate the petals and place on a tray for a moment before inspecting, separating any petals that are not “perfect” for this use. This will allow any other living creatures to be released before moving the petals to a hot water proof bowl.

Rosewater from My Kitchen WandBoil water, enough to cover the petals. Choose water that is as fresh and clean as you have available. Avoid tap water, especially anything straight from the tap, unless you have access to healthy, chemical free water.

Pour the boiled water over the petals and push any petals down into the water that are floating on top.

Let the petals sit and the water to cool.

Do not be surprised if the petals loose their colours.

While the water cools lets talk about uses of rosewater.

In food preparation, rose water goes well with milk products. Rice pudding, yoghurt and custards.

Rosewater from My Kitchen WandRaspberries, strawberries and oranges sparkle with the addition of a few teaspoons of rosewater. Try adding a splash to teas, summer coolers or home made sorbets. There are also several Mediterranean sweets that use rose water for extra flavouring, baklava and basboosa to name two.

Start small. You can always add more but it is more difficult to take flavour away than add a little more. Rosewater does not need to be fully recognizable as an addition. Sometimes a little will just be “that something extra”; an undefinable complexity to shortbread and other butter cookies. ( Approximately 1 Tbsp rosewater to 1 cup flour in the recipe of your choice, adjust other liquids as needed.)

As a beauty aid, rosewater can be used as:

  • a face toner
  • a stress releaser in bath water
  • a hair rinse (about 2 Tbsp per cup of water)
  • a light body fragrance (it will last about 10 minutes)
  • a bed and linen spray when a mixture of 1.5 parts rosewater to 4 parts water is combined in a spray bottle

Add rosewater to soap and lotion making instead of distilled water for another layer of scent.

Magically, rose is the flower of Love, a favourite of Venus and also associated with other deities. It has been used to enhance dreaming and connect to the heart chakra. Roses are also related to luck, protection and healing.

Scott Cunning wrote, I think in Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, that rose bushes attract fairies and that they grow best if stolen (remember what you put out into the world  has consequences.)

Now that the rosewater is cooled. Collect a colander, paper coffee filter and a container. Place the coffee filter in the colander. Place the colander over the container and slowly pour the rose petals and cooled water into the colander. Allow everything to sit while the rosewater drips through the filter.

Store labelled and dated in a cool, dark place. A dark container would be helpful or store inside a paper bag to block out the light.

Homemade rosewater for use in a wonderful array of deliciously scented things. Try any and all of the suggestions above or maybe you have one of your own!

Thank you Jeannette for sharing your bounty.

Rosewater from My Kitchen Wand

Rosewater from My Kitchen Wand




Posted in Herbs, Wildcrafting and other things Earth related, Skin & Body Care.