Four maple wood laser cut cookie stamps for Beltane and Litha.
Just under two inches in diameter, they have been bathed in beeswax and grape seed oil. Please wash by hand in warm soapy water. Not recommended for a dishwasher.
These stamps have been tested through 10 dozen cookies but it is important to remember that wood has grain and being gentle while pushing down at narrow points is important.
Ribbons – Ribbons and weaving almost go hand in hand. Whether in a summer handfasting ceremony, folded in the making of Brigid’s crosses for Imbolc or as bread dough, woven together in a Lammas loaf, ribbons and weaving are everywhere. We have learned from the birds how to weave strong baskets to carry precious things. We use ribbons to create floral crowns and strongly woven ribbon to find “the measure of a man”. At this time of the year the most popular use of ribbons is while dancing and weaving the Maypole.
Spring Flowers – Daffodil and Tulip for Mother’s Day, May Day and Beltane. The first flowers of spring are here. The sun is returning and there is life renewing itself everywhere in nature. Flowers and bees are at work spreading the pollen that makes the flora world go round. Hearts and flowers make a lovely combination for telling anyone you care.
Turning of the Wheel – representing eight celebration days in agrarian life and our relationship with the sun, eight points of flame, repeatedly cycling through the seasons of the year. Summer solstice is the pinnacle of the cycle after which the light starts to fade away again towards darkness.
Wreath – Warm summer days with time outside to gather flowers from the wild fields. Mugwort, Lavender and St. John’s Wort are classic summer solstice flowers. Healers in ancient Europe believed that the healing energies of these plants were at their highest on the summer solstice, when they were gathered for drying. All sorts of fresh flowers were woven together to create headdresses for the celebration of the longest day of the year.
Set of Four Beltane and Litha Cookies Stamps $19.00 Canadian
It is best to use a recipe with little or no large extra bits. Spices, extracts and zest are fine but chopped nuts and dried fruits can be more challenging to work with. The cookies in the picture below have a bit of added orange zest.
Roll out dough of your chosen recipe and cut circles either with a glass or scalloped edge cookie cutter.
Tap stamp in flour and push down into the center of the precut cookie.
Sugar cookies are traditionally taken from the oven before they brown but since these cookie will not be iced, I personally prefer to get them just a little golden around the edges. That will mean a little paying attention so as not to over bake.
For a full page of tips and tricks click here. Please visit.
The plants below have Druidic associations to Beltane and Litha.