I was treated with a lovely tour through Jean’s garden the other day. ( I had been by myself for last week’s post )
The garlic are happily doing their thing, all 800 plus and moving the stones to between the beds is almost finished.
There are trillium, rhodo’s and flowering blackberries in bloom.The Solomon’s Seal are dropping their row of white blossoms, with more each day and everywhere there is birdsong.
Jean has several hummingbirds that now over winter and others that return each spring from warmer climes. There are about ten that make her garden home during the summer, reflecting beautiful blues and greens as they chase each other through the fruit trees and roses.
The herbs have grown well in the last week, some doubling in size and some still testing the air to see if it is warm enough to get out of bed.
Lovage is an early spring perennial plant and has been doing it’s thing for a month now in southern British Columbia. Truly, I think of Lovage as more of a vegetable because you use it like celery ( which it also tastes like ) but it shows up in herb books regularly.
It is native to the eastern Mediterranean region and likes rich, moist soil with a little bit of shade if you live in a hot climate. The plant will die back entirely at the end of the season, so it is good to mark the position for the following year.
Lovage, like parsley has been used as a body freshener. In the Middle Ages it was used in shoes and boots to keep the aroma down during long journeys and as a deodorant which may explain the aphrodisiac labeling, more for what it takes away than what it brings to the table bed.
Chop and freeze Lovage for use in winter soups and stews. The stocks can also be blanched as a vegetable or candied and the seeds which are viable for several years can be added to breads and cordials and the young leaves are a tasty addition to salads.
Herb-info.com lists Lovage as one of ten plants that make great companion plants and will repel unwanted bugs.
Please share you wisdom and stories on Lovage in the comments field on Facebook (one click back).