Corn Silk from My Kitchen Wand

Corn Silk

Along with the corn husks for the brooms posted a few days ago. I saved all the corn silk from the cobs and decided to preserve them as a tincture and glycerite, along with making tea.

In traditional Chinese medicine, corn silk is listed in the “herbs that drain dampness” category so it will come as no surprise that lists the following benefits to consuming corn silk,”Corn silk is used as a medicine. Corn silk is used for bladder infections, inflammation of the urinary system, inflammation of the prostate, kidney stones, and bedwetting. It is also used to treat congestive heart failure, diabetes, high blood pressure, fatigue, and high cholesterol levels.

As always, it is best to do your own research and consult a medical professional with questions. Corn silk is not recommended while pregnant or breastfeeding. The amount you would normally come in contact with is okay but not larger amounts.

Corn Silk from My Kitchen WandTo make a tea, simply pour boiling water over fresh corn silk (brown tips removed) and allow to steep. Serve hot. 2 – 3 teaspoons of fresh corn silk per cup is a good place to start.

If you have a dehydrator handy, the corn silk can be cut into 1 inch lengths and dried for future use. I would think it is also possible to dry in a very low temperature oven but I didn’t get to that.

I also made a stronger infusion that sat in the fridge for several days and then added plain water in a 25/75 ratio to a glass of water for sipping.

Corn Silk from My Kitchen WandA tincture is a mixture of plant material (in this case corn silk) and alcohol (the last of the brandy but something like vodka will work just as well). Again the brown tips of the silk are removed and then half the clean container is filled with the remaining silk. The bottle is filled with alcohol, labelled, dated, stored in a dark place and allowed it sit for six weeks before being drained through a sieve and re-bottled. Shake daily while steeping. Take three times a day in a little water. The amounts are generally age related, adults about 1/3 of a teaspoon per glass and children 2-9 years of age, 8 – 15 drops. Start small.

Corn Silk from My Kitchen Wand

Glycerite is a non alcoholic alternative to a tincture. It can also be a best first choice for children and pets. The process is the same with the addition of one step. Process the corn silk with glycerine in a blender. Use a ratio of one part corn silk with two to three parts glycerine. The steeping time for a glycerite made this way is two weeks. Start with 1/3 teaspoon for adults and 8 – 15 drops for young children, three times a day.

Enjoy the exploration. The benefits that plants can give us are unending.

Corn Silk from My Kitchen Wand

Corn Silk from My Kitchen Wand

Posted in Herbs, Wildcrafting and other things Earth related.