Tarragon from My Kitchen Wand


Tarragon from My Kitchen WandWelcome! Welcome! Jean’s garden is going wild.

The chives have popped open and the flowers will make a lovely, colourful addition to salads.

The comfrey is in full bloom and will make the compost very happy in future weeks.

Everywhere there is life and busily growing plants. The first of the roses are out, the strawberries are in bloom and the tarragon is over a foot high.

Tarragon from My Kitchen WandJean grows French tarragon in her herb garden. There are two other readily available varieties if you prefer, a Russian species and a Mexican or winter tarragon.

French tarragon was said to aid in the treatment of dragon bites. This was based on the work of a 16th century Swiss doctor who took the name Paracelsus, like the crazy evil schemer in the tv show Warehouse 13. His work was called the Doctrine of Signatures and suggested that by looking at the plant itself, one could determine God’s plan for the use of the plant.

Tarragon from My Kitchen WandTarragon has thin spiky leaves which resemble the tongues of snakes and dragons so the Doctrine of Signatures suggested it be used against venomous bites.

More current research has shown that tarragon has essential oil elements similar to anise and therefore may aid in the treatment of digestive issues.

Additionally there is some research evidence to support the traditional use of tarragon in some places to treat the symptoms of diabetes. As always due diligence is vital.

Tarragon from My Kitchen WandTarragon is not suggested in quantities greater than in culinary use for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

An early grower. The first picture was taken the end of March and the one on the right today ( May 22 ). Tarragon is drought resistant and cold hardy but does not do well in high humidity. Avoid overhead watering as tarragon is susceptible to fungal diseases.

Harvest the leaves by mid autumn and propagate by tip cutting or root division in early autumn.

French tarragon is an integral part of French cooking. A little bit goes a long way in cooked dishes. Tarragon goes well with fish, poultry and egg dishes. The fresh chopped leaves can be used in salads, dressings, mayonnaise, prepared mustard and cream sauces.

For more information on tarragon, including some esoteric connections take a look at herbs-info.com

Do you have a favourite use for tarragon? Please pop back to the Facebook page and share!

Til next Wednesday, Bright Blessings.

Posted in Herbs, Wildcrafting and other things Earth related, Uncategorized.